RFS International understand how important speed of response is to Corporate Clients. Our director led approach always ensures a high-quality service. We provide effective Corporate solutions.

Jersey Companies
For decades, Jersey Companies have been favored for M&A transactions, listed entities, and real estate holdings. The flexibility of Jersey company law makes these companies the preferred choice for international investors, institutions, and corporations seeking a stable and well-regulated jurisdiction for capital flows. Some key features of Jersey Companies:
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- Tax neutrality;
- Confidentiality on beneficial ownership;
- No requirement to file financial statements;
- Ease of incorporation; and
- Distributions can be made from most reserves.
RFS International provides Corporate services in a tailored solution for our clients in terms of the establishment, reporting, and corporate administration. Offering the latest in automation technology fused with an experienced team. We provide a service fit for the 21st century.
Jersey Property Unit Trusts
Since 2006, the Jersey Property Unit Trust (JPUT) has been the preferred structure for UK and European real estate investment by international property investors, pension funds, and institutional investors. Based on Baker Trust principles, the JPUT offers several advantages, including:
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- Tax neutrality for international investors;
- Ability to sell the units in the JPUT for a prompt transaction;
- Stamp Duty savings on disposal and acquisition in most circumstances;
- Straightforward set up and administration; and
- Interaction to global REITs with ease in terms of income repatriation.
RFS International provides Corporate services in a tailored solution for our clients in terms of the establishment, reporting, and corporate administration. Offering the latest in automation technology fused with an experienced team. We provide a service fit for the 21st century.

Special Purpose Vehicles
Jersey Companies can be easily established as Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) for various asset types. Commonly used for off-balance assets owned by charitable or purpose trusts, SPVs are created by sponsor businesses but maintain distinct and separate assets, liabilities, and legal status. Advantages Include:
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- Ease of incorporation;
- Tax neutrality;
- Confidentiality on beneficial ownership;
- No requirement to file financial statements; and
- Flexibility in terms of capitalisation of the company.
RFS International provides Corporate services in a tailored solution for our clients in terms of the establishment, reporting, and corporate administration. Offering the latest in automation technology fused with an experienced team. We provide a service fit for the 21st century.
Employees Solutions
Jersey has long been a leader in offshore employee benefit structures. Originally focused on incentivising financial services professionals, the modern Employee Benefit Trust (EBT) now serves UK and international corporations by warehousing shares to incentivise key management. Key advantages of EBTs include:
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- The assets in the EBT are bankruptcy remote;
- The EBT can create an internal market for private company shares;
- The requirement to appoint an independent trustee (RFS International) gives comfort the best interests of the employee are being addressed;
- Creates an incentive to retain staff; and
- Tax free growth on the value of the shares.
RFS International provides Corporate services in a tailored solution for our clients in terms of the establishment, reporting, and corporate administration. Offering the latest in automation technology fused with an experienced team. We provide a service fit for the 21st century.

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Dillon Ruellan