Private Funds

RFS International understand that tailored and flexible private fund administration services provide peace of mind and critical support when you need it. We are experts in fund structures and alternative asset classes.

RFS International - Services - Private Funds - Jersey Private Funds

Jersey Private Funds

The Jersey Private Fund (“JPF”) has become a popular structure for institutional and private capital investors. The JPF enables the consolidation of various private assets into one manageable portfolio for family offices, private investors and boutique investment managers. Advantages of JPF’s include:

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  • Consolidation of family office investments;
  • Boutique asset management, and;
  • Secondaries market for private carve-outs.

RFS International provides a highly automated and tailored solution for private investors, family offices and institutions as DSP.

RFS International provides private fund services in a tailored solution for our clients in terms of the establishment, reporting, and fund administration. Offering the latest in automation technology fused with an experienced team. We provide a service fit for the 21st century.

Structured Finance

Jersey entities are used for a range of structured finance transactions, for example, Islamic Finance; Collateralised Loan Obligation’s and other types of asset backed securities; Bespoke structured note issuances; and Tailored credit transactions.

Advantages of using a Jersey company or entity for structured finance transactions include:

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  • Tax Neutrality;
  • Speed of Incorporation
  • Denomination of share capital in any currency;
  • Friendly Investor and creditor environment; and
  • Appropriate regulation.

RFS International provides private fund services in a tailored solution for our clients in terms of the establishment, reporting, and fund administration. Offering the latest in automation technology fused with an experienced team. We provide a service fit for the 21st century.

RFS International - Services - Private Funds - Structured Finance
RFS International - Services - Private Funds - Joint Ventures

Joint Ventures

Jersey companies can provide a flexible method of co – investment between investors looking to acquire a single asset. Advantages of Joint Venture include:

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  • Tax neutrality;
  • Flexible company law in terms of repatriation of dividends or capital;
  • Stable jurisdiction with international recognition; and
  • Confidentiality on beneficial ownership.

RFS International provides private fund services in a tailored solution for our clients in terms of the establishment, reporting, and fund administration. Offering the latest in automation technology fused with an experienced team. We provide a service fit for the 21st century.

Carried Interest Structures

It is common for fund structures in Jersey to run carried interest structures alongside the fund to incentivise management or the general partner (GP). The advantages of using a Jersey company for this purpose include:

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  • Tax neutrality allowing profits to roll up in tax free environment;
  • Flexible company law in terms of repatriation of dividends or capital, for multiple members;
  • Stable jurisdiction with international recognition in the funds sector; and
  • Confidentiality of beneficial ownership.

RFS International provides private fund services in a tailored solution for our clients in terms of the establishment, reporting, and fund administration. Offering the latest in automation technology fused with an experienced team. We provide a service fit for the 21st century.

RFS International - Services - Private Funds - Carried Investment Structures